Franz and Luise Maass Family

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Franz and Luise (Sass) Maass in Berlin, Germany [undated photos, probably 1903]

Franz and Luise Maass with Julius, Fritz, Ernst and Bernhard (ca. 1894) (oldest to youngest)
Julius Maass (July 1900)
(l-r) Ernst, Else, Georg, Julius, Fritz and Johanna (ca. 1903)
(l-r back) Fritz and Ernst, (l-r front) Johanna, Georg, Else and Julius (ca. 1911) [Fritz & Julius may be reversed]
Luise with Georg

These photos of the Maass siblings as adults are from the personal album of Dr. Claus Karnop of Magdeburg, Germany and are reprinted here with the permission of his son, Stefan Karnop. They are first cousins of my grandfather, Carl Maas. -- Gene Maas 16 Jan 2005

Maas Family History

Maass Family Tree


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